Success Stories: Less Pain, Ringing in the Ears, and Brain Clarity From Holistic Pain Management and Alternative Medicine Treatments After Bad Car Accident
Tiffany Simpson was in a serious car accident four years ago after hitting her head and breaking multiple bones and was left with pain, numbness, ringing in her ears, nerve damage, and brain problems. After trying many things on her road to recovery and feeling hopeless, she received holistic pain management treatments and tried a different alternative medicine approach from Aspen Creek Naturopathic Clinic in Laramie, Wyoming. Now she feels she feels like she is getting the healing she needs and is finally coming back to life. Read more about Tiffany’s amazing story below.
What made you come to Aspen Creek Naturopathic Clinic for pain management treatments?
I came here because I had a very serious accident in December 2017. A lot of numbness and pain in my arms. I hit my head in a car accident so my head hit the ground. I was still injured and I think I came a year later. We’ve been working on my arms, my neck, and there’s probably a lot of things I forgot because when you start working on the pain you forget when it goes. My head was the first thing to hit and then I and flipped over so I got to I got banged up pretty pretty good. The biggest thing is my head. My personality is coming back. I was pretty flat right after the accident and there was a different dimension with friends and now I'm finding I’m singing to the radio again, I didn't do that for a couple years. My relationships are becoming more regular and how they used to be. I was really different for a while and I've seen a lot of doctors. It’s a slow incline of getting my brain back, which is the biggest plus that I have that I’ve experienced here. I dont remember a lot clearly in the beginning. I’ll go a couple months and think ‘oh I’m better’ and then I start doing something old again and my gosh, I still wasn't better.
We’re always getting rid of numbness. My elbow pain is my most recent pain that is so much improved because it was keeping me up at night. I’ve had a lot of surgeries to repair my bones broken in eight pieces and thoracic outlet surgery to restore nerve feeling on both sides, which is unusual.
I knew my brain wasn't the same because I knew my relationships were different. I didn't realize at that point we could work on that but that is the biggest. The pain in my arms was bad. I couldn't hold things. For an amount of time I couldn’t do a lot of things with my hands and I’ve worked with my hands my whole life so that was jolting. I guess I sold my brain short because that’s been the biggest improvement overall. I dont think I came for that, but thats the biggest thing that I got out of it.
The pain is way better. The ringing in my ears is getting better. When it was quiet thats thats all I could hear, the ringing in my ears, and now it’s quiet. It’s been over 3 years now, so I think that’s pretty good.
What did you try before turning to holistic medicine?
I tried physical therapy, dry needling, massage, and the surgeries were a big deal. I could feel temperature right away after each one. So the feeling has gradually come back and more and more in my hands and that's pretty great. I used to be able to flip bacon with my fingers. Now the pain is better. The numbness is much better.
Another patient of his told me about him and she told me about the fascial release. She said she was coming here and thought that’s a different avenue, maybe there’s some hope there. I was feeling kind of hopeless at that point and she suggested this. I thought I’d give it a try because I wasn't coming back and now I’ve been coming here a little over 2 years.
How long did it take to see an improvement in your pain?
It was immediate I think. I went to a physical therapist and he told me what to do when I had a sore knee. I came in one day and it had been sore for maybe a week or so before I told Dr. Palmer. He worked on my my knee and yes I know I need to step differently move my body differently, but the pain was gone right away. I can also stand more properly or squat more properly so it doesn't come back again, but it got rid of the pain right away. Just squatting regularly wouldn’t have done that.
I’m so glad I found him. I have friends in the suburbs of Chicago still and I say ‘I wish you could find someone like Dr. Palmer.’ He seems to treat the whole my whole body. They have one issue and it's maybe connected to something else and he finds that.
Whats do you like about working with Dr. Shawn Palmer N.D.?
He’s healing me. He’s very easy to communicate with and thats not always an easy thing for me. I dont always tell people what I’m thinking. It’s easy to do that here.
I took a job with more responsibility and I feel like I can do it. I know I’m not ready for full-time yet, but I am a lab manager now. I couldn’t have done that before because I couldn’t have organized my thoughts well enough. Thank goodness. I had just gone to school to do more and I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to do much of anything so now I am able to get out there and feel like I make a difference at work and my work seems to make a difference for the environment so that means a lot to me.
What holistic treatments from Aspen Creek Naturopathic Clinic have helped you?
We started off doing pain treatments. Frequency specific microcurrent and fascial release.
He doesn't take the credit for me being able to eat wheat again, but I can and I think it’s just him looking at me holistically and treating me that way. I wasn't able to eat wheat and was getting flu symptoms for the last few years before I got here and now I can have pies and doughnuts. That’s not really what I should eat, but I can, which is great. That was the last time I recommended him because someone was saying ‘oh I can’t bought that’ and I said maybe if you go to someone and get your body and more in tune
I do recommend him for pain. It seems like as you get older everybody is complaining about this and that and I think, well, I would choose to try to fix my body instead of going on all the medicine. I still have things I want to work with Shawn to get off of but I’ve been on those for years. In the meantime, my brain is just a great reward for coming here. I’m just so happy with how this has turned out. I’m coming back to life I feel like. We’re still going forward.
What was your biggest concern before trying the pain management treatments?
I guess money, but he’s reasonable, especially for what we’re doing and what he’s helping for me. It’s so worth it. It’s been well worth it.